There was a great — and very lengthy — story in the “Room for Debate” commentary in the New York Times titled, “Does the Brain Like E-Books?” . I have to admit that I am warily curious about the Kindle and all the other e-vehicles for the written word, and right now I can simply say that the price makes it out of my budget for the moment. But even if the Kindle dropped below $100, would I buy one? I don’t think so. I am attached to the page, the shape and feel of the books, the anticipation of turning the page, even the cover art (which can be seriously embarrassing when I’m on one of my “vamp, were, alternate universe” kicks). I grew up with a book in my hand or tucked under my arm, and I have a book in my handbags every time I leave the house — there are drawbridges, long red lights, and diner meals that require I have reading material. My partner loves the idea of the Kindle — not because se he’d use it, but because I could potentially clear valuable bookshelf space for his stuff.
I’m hardly a Luddite — what blogger is? — but I am going to hang on to my books for the forseeable future. At least until someone else buys me a Kindle.